
This is your jumping off point for all my comics! Click on the links below to read all the story pages from Issue 1 of the Osrynn Tales and get a preview of the first few pages of issue 2! There are links to the various online sites where you can buy them at the top of each issues page… but there is another way to get the comics!

Shameless plug time! My patreon supporters who pledge $5 and up get some cool rewards, among them is a copy of the Digital Comic PDF! Each month you are signed up at the $5+ tiers you will get one of the issues I have finished! Best part is I can see who has been signed up at each tier and for how long… So currently i only have 2 issues finished, meaning you could sign up for 2 months get the first two issues, then drop your support until i come out with issue 3, and then sign back up, and I’ll know to give you issue 3 instead of starting over at issue 1 again! GREAT DEALS! this way if all you want are the comics and the other rewards you get, you aren’t pledging money in the months that I don’t put out a book (and let me tell ya, writing, drawing and coloring a comic all by yourself makes it hard to hit that 1 issue a month schedule like the pros!)

Anyway, You are still welcome to click the links below and go over to buy the comics from Indyplanet (digital or Print) or Comixology (digital only). But if you’d rather support on patreon, and get the comics 6 to 8 weeks before they become available for purchase online, consider clicking the patreon button below.

Thanks for checking out the comic!


Osrynn Tales Shorts is a companion web comic to the Osrynn Tales comic books. It features your favorite characters from the comics, in a shorter 4 panel format that aims to expand on the universe in short bursts of comedy and exposition.